
Sqeleton is a Qt project template to start a new project with a ready structure.

File structure

  • .gitignore: usual files that git should ignore in the project
  • .clang-format and .editorconfig: these files are used to maintain a uniform code style. It mostly depends on programming habits and so it can be modified to suit your needs (same for all other files), but I'm curious to see if a common preference could be possible to be set.
  • cmake: contains the support files for the resources and should not be modified per project (Pull Requests are welcome).
  • Config.cmake: Project specific CMake configuration file, which must be modified.
  • src: the usual source directory.
  • external: contains git submodules required for the project, currently only a fork of LXQt build tools because some required changes.
  • resources: icon, about dialog content - generic appdata/metainfo and desktop file templates.


  • From the Github project page, when creating a new project based on Sqeleton, click the green Use this template dropdown button and select Create a new repository instead of fork, see the related documentation page for further information.
  • Set the project name in CMakeLists.txt and edit Config.cmake.
  • Replace resources/icons/application.icon with the appropriated icon for the new application without changing the file name. If not a svg, edit PROJECT_ICON_FORMAT in the configuration file: the name of the resulting icon will be set automatically during the CMake configuration.
  • If the translations directory will be moved in a different position, set the new path in PROJECT_TRANSLATIONS_DIR in the configuration file.
  • Adapt the resource file in resources/resources.qrc if needed.